Welcome to Our 2024-2025 Seminar Series
On behalf of the Colorado Prosthodontic Society Board of Directors I would like to welcome you to the 2024-2025 lecture series. We believe you will find the topics for the upcoming season to be diverse, fun and educational. We are happy to announce that we are once again offering the seminars in person, as well as virtual this season. Our wonderful location will also remain the same. I am especially excited about our speakers this year as there will be a wonderful variety of content that I hope you will enjoy, and be able to incorporate into your practices.
We encourage all members to join the seminars in person, as this is a great way to network and interact with other members. When planning to attend in-person, we also remind you to RSVP via email so that we may plan the appropriate amount of food and beverage for each seminar.
As a board we are committed to the sustainability of the Colorado Prosthodontic Society through high quality education and growth through a variety of outreach programs. Please feel free to reach out to our board members with any suggestions or ideas you may like to share.
I look forward to another fun and educational year. Let’s open our minds and learn not only from our distinguished speakers, but from one another as well. I look forward to seeing you there!